travelling-wave antenna — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
travelling-wave aerial — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
progressive-wave aerial — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Beverage antenna — The Beverage Antenna is a relatively inexpensive but very effective long wire receiving antenna used by amateur radio, shortwave listening, and longwave radio DXers and military applications. Harold H. Beverage experimented with receiving… … Wikipedia
Traveling-wave tube — A traveling wave tube (TWT) is an electronic device used to amplify radio frequency signals to high power, usually in an electronic assembly known as a traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA).The bandwidth of a broadband TWT can be as high as three… … Wikipedia
Horn antenna — Pyramidal microwave horn antenna, with a bandwidth of 0.8 to 18 GHz. A coaxial cable feedline attaches to the connector visible at top. This type is called a ridged horn; the curving fins visible inside the mouth of the horn increase the antenna… … Wikipedia
Interference (wave propagation) — Two point interference in a ripple tank. In physics, interference is the phenomenon in which two waves superpose each other to form a resultant wave of greater or lower amplitude. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are… … Wikipedia
Plane wave — [ real part of a plane wave travelling up.] In the physics of wave propagation (especially electromagnetic waves), a plane wave (also spelled planewave) is a constant frequency wave whose wavefronts (surfaces of constant phase) are infinite… … Wikipedia
Laufwellenantenne — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Wanderwellenantenne — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
antenne à onde progressive — bėgančiosios bangos antena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. progressive wave aerial; travelling wave aerial; travelling wave antenna vok. Laufwellenantenne, f; Wanderwellenantenne, f rus. антенна бегущей волны, f pranc. antenne à onde… … Fizikos terminų žodynas